El Castillo de Loarre: un testimonio excepcional de la arquitectura medieval en España
El Castillo de Loarre, en Huesca, es la fortaleza románica mejor conservada de España.
Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 14:00 | 15:00 a 18:00
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[email protected] The lalit hotels group The hotel is located at 13 km from the airport, 3 km from the railway station, 5 km from the city centre, 2 km from the Government offices.||Located in the plush Kumara Krupa high grounds area of Bangalore, the hotel, with its extensive landscaped gardens, wears a contemporary and elegant look featuring the very latest in design technology trendy guest amenities and services. Besides its fabulous location, the hotel is well known for its creative dining options and the city's largest banquet facilities.
Kumara Krupa High Grounds, Bangalore Ciudad (560 001 Bangalore)